Friday, 23 November 2012


Loctions of our filming...
My group has decided to do our filming on the school grounds. We have chosen to do it in school because it is easier for us to meet up as we all have the same free lesson, which we can film, in here. We have decided to use lionsgate institution as they have produced lots of film with the same genres that we want to us. 

We started off by filming in the school grounds and then at the end we finish the end at a wall outside the schools gates. When we finally leave the school site then we will be able to start to film the surroundings of the school. We then start to film the girl sitting there waiting for her mum, but than she gets a text saying her mum can't pick her up. As she leaves the stop she disappears into the distance.

 These are a few of the photos that we took for our storyboard and also we took these to get an understnading of the final loction.

My Groups Film Institution

Lionsgate Institution
Lionsgate is a Canadian entertainment company, it was formed in Vancouver but the main headquartered in Santa Monica, California. In 2007 it was most successful independent film company in North America. They produce not only films but also television programs and family/home entertainment. 

After doing research into lionsgate institution I found out that most of the films they produce have the same genres. The genres they all link into are Thriller, Drama and Action. Another genres they use is horror over the last 5 years they have produced the most popular horrors they re SAW 3D, SAW 1/2/3/4/5/6 and The Eye. These are the only successful horrors that they have produced over the last 5 years.

Friday, 16 November 2012

My Favourite Film Opening

This is one of my favourite film and here is the opening to it;-

My favourite film opening is lion king; this is because the colours of the title make it feels warm and as though something good is going to happen. At the start you can hear noises that you would hear in the wild. As the sun starts to rise the music starts to play. As all the animals start to look up it makes you think what is happening? What is going on? It then shows all the animal going towards a certain place. The camera angles they use are birds eye view, extreme long shot, medium shot, worms eye view and eye level shot. At the end of the opening it shows a lion standing up on a rock higher then all the other animals, this implies that he is the leader and in charge of the rest of the animals. This film was made by Walt Disney, this means that it was a family film. The film is about a younge lion that's dad is the king of circle of life. But one day his dad get tricked in to helping his son and dies. He then runs away from the cicle of life and grows up. A few years later he bumps into his old friend and then he goes back and becomes the king of the circle of life.


Here is my groups final animatic edited together:-

Evaluation:- As a group it took us half the time to make our animatic. We started off by taking pictures of our locations and then after we had done we uploaded them to the computers where we then traced them, to get a more accurate animatic. We all then started drawing them, this made it quicker and we was able to get them down faster. we then used the pictures to get the right colours of the locations. by also having the pictures it is easier to understand what and where our film opening is being shot. after we had drawn and colour in the pictures we then started to film. We had came up with an idea were one person would record, one would place the pictures down and the other would pick up the pictures after they had been filmed. This made it a lot quicker for use to get it done. We used whte paper under so the background was all one colour. as a hole my group has worded well together with the making of the pictures and filming the animatic. The bad thing about our animatic was that we had to many pictures but we manged to get them done because we all took the same amount to draw and colour. 

Friday, 9 November 2012

Our Research


Costume research:-
When it comes to the costume of our characters they have to be wear the same clothes and make sure they look the same as they do when we filmed on the first day otherwise it will show that we have done filmng on different days and different times. We have decided that she will be wearing leggings and a top because she will be in school and as she is doing dance we looked up what the wear for kit and found out it was leggings and a top. The other two girls will be wear causal clothes as they go to sixth form and they are allowed to wear what they like. 

the props that we have used in our film opening are;- a computer, phone and bags. the computer is for when she is dancing in the hall to play the music on. the phone is for when she is texting her mum and friends. the bags are for the gilr to out all the school work in.