Friday, 9 November 2012

Our Research


Costume research:-
When it comes to the costume of our characters they have to be wear the same clothes and make sure they look the same as they do when we filmed on the first day otherwise it will show that we have done filmng on different days and different times. We have decided that she will be wearing leggings and a top because she will be in school and as she is doing dance we looked up what the wear for kit and found out it was leggings and a top. The other two girls will be wear causal clothes as they go to sixth form and they are allowed to wear what they like. 

the props that we have used in our film opening are;- a computer, phone and bags. the computer is for when she is dancing in the hall to play the music on. the phone is for when she is texting her mum and friends. the bags are for the gilr to out all the school work in.

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